
Markers: Hb, MCV, IJzer, Vitamine B12, BSE, Trombocyten, Reticulocyten, Kreatinine, eGFR
BIG geregistreerd

What is anemia?

When you suffer from anemia, you do not have enough healthy red blood cells in your body that transport enough oxygen. This is necessary for your organs to function properly. You have anemia when you do not have enough hemoglobin (Hb) in your blood. If you have anemia, you may feel tired and weak. There are different forms of anemia, each with its own cause. It can be temporary or long-term, and range from moderate to severe. Anemia causes a variety of symptoms, including fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness and headache. The symptoms often worsen as the anemia gets worse. However, it also occurs that there are no symptoms.

What do we determine during the anemia blood test?

Blood: Hemoglobin & MCV
Hemoglobin ensures that oxygen is transported through the blood. This is an important role in the body. This determination looks at the Hb value in your blood. This indicates whether you have anemia. This is the case when the Hb value is lower than normal. Anemia does not mean there is not enough blood in your body, but you do not have enough hemoglobin in your blood. This can, among other things, cause fatigue. The MCV (mean corpuscular volume) measures the average size of your red blood cells. If they are smaller or larger than average, this can lead to blood disorders, including anemia. A low MCV value may indicate an iron deficiency. An increased MCV value can be caused by a vitamin B12 or folic acid deficiency.

Erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR)
This test measures the speed at which red blood cells sink. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) gives an indication of whether inflammation or infection is present. When you have an inflammation, the red blood cells usually drop faster than when you are healthy. The BSE is also often higher in cases of anemia. This investigation may show that something is going on, but does not provide the information to prove what is going on. That is why the BSE test is often performed in combination with other tests.

Thrombocytes are small blood cells that help the blood to clot. They are also called platelets. This is important when repairing wounds. With anemia there are often other deficiencies, including a shortage of platelets. A shortage of platelets is also called thrombocytopenia. For example, this can cause you to bruise more quickly.

A reticulocyte is an immature red blood cell (erythrocyte). When there are many reticulocytes in the blood, this may be due to blood loss or breakdown of red blood cells. This examination can help determine the cause of the anemia.

In many cases, anemia is caused by a deficiency of iron. With an iron deficiency, your body cannot produce enough hemoglobin for the red blood cells. An iron deficiency can have various causes, such as heavy blood loss, for example during menstruation, or certain diets. With an iron deficiency you feel tired and out of breath more quickly and you may suffer from restless legs.

Vitamin B12
Vitamin B12 is needed for the production of enough healthy red blood cells. Vitamin B12 also helps for the proper functioning of the nervous system. This vitamin is mainly found in animal products, so it is often recommended for vegans to have it tested. If you don't get enough vitamin B12, fewer red blood cells are produced. In that case, you may experience fatigue, dizziness, tingling, memory loss and muscle weakness.

Kidney function: creatinine (eGFR)
An eGFR test examines the amount of creatinine in the blood. This is a breakdown product of the muscles and is filtered by the kidneys. This test can be used to determine how well the kidneys are functioning. Kidney problems can be a cause of anemia.

In most cases, the results of this test are known within 24 hours.

How does it work?

Professional testing

Self-tests do not always provide reliable and consistent results. That's why Labplusarts chooses to have the tests professionally administered at a testing location. We have made this process as simple as possible for you.

  1. 1

    Find the test that suits you

    Information on various health topics and a clear overview of our extensive test offerings. Through the website, you can easily determine which test may be relevant for you. Do you need assistance in making a choice or would you like to customize your own package? Feel free to contact us.

  2. 2

    Choose a testing location

    We conduct tests at 350+ locations across the Netherlands, ensuring there is always a location near you. During the ordering process, you can easily select your preferred testing location, and after payment, you can schedule an appointment. Choose where and when it suits you.

  3. 3

    Get tested

    During your appointment, one of our medical professionals will collect your sample. Subsequently, your sample will be examined in the laboratory.

  4. 4

    Truly reliable results with understandable explanations

    Because your sample is taken professionally, the results are consistent. Your test results are evaluated by one of our own doctors and accompanied by thorough advice. We believe it's important that you understand what the results mean for you. We ensure this by providing explanations about the test and the significance of your values.

There is always a location near you

When should you opt for an anemia test?

It is recommended to investigate whether you have anemia when: - You suffer from of fatigue complaints - You want a general check for anemia - You have adjusted your diet and want to know whether you do not have anemia

Why choose this test for anemia?

This test can clearly show whether there is anemia and what may be causing it. In case of positive results, you can take your supplements, so that you can resolve any complaints.

The accuracy of the test for Bloedarmoede is conducted through ISO-certified laboratories. The accuracy of a test method is expressed in terms of specificity and sensitivity. However, the most important aspect is that the results are interpreted and accepted among general practitioners and hospitals. This is the case with our venous samples. Mutual acceptance may not always be present due to potentially reduced reliability with a capillary sample.
Most tests generally take 24-48 hours. Tests that go through an LC-MS method generally take longer, think about an average of 3-7 working days. Additionally, it also depends on the location. Some locations do the analysis themselves and others outsource it to another lab.
Interpreting the results of Bloedarmoede is not always easy and should be seen in the broader picture, along with anamnesis and physical examination. In the doctor's advice section, the query in which you can already outline your complaints is taken into account, otherwise, the results are interpreted in conjunction with the other results. If necessary, the doctor can call to ask about physical abnormalities. You don't have to interpret the results yourself because there is always advice and explanation from the doctor.
If the results of the test for Bloedarmoede are clinically significantly abnormal, the doctor will contact you by phone. If you are not reachable, you will receive an email. This includes advice and an explanation of the abnormal results and what you can do about them. If you need a prescription or referral, we can help with that.
The costs of Bloedarmoede can be found on the product page. Depending on your insurance and additional packages, you may be reimbursed for these costs for Bloedarmoede. For example, tests for IVF treatment are often reimbursed. After your order, you will receive an invoice that you can submit to your insurance.
The ordering process is easy. You can add a Bloedarmoede test or the tests you want to your shopping cart. In step two, you fill in your details and pay. Then you will receive an email confirmation and you can go to a collection location. After you have been there, you will receive the results of the Bloedarmoede test in your Portal.
We are certified-ready according to the NEN 7510 and 7512 standards for secure data transfer in healthcare. The Portal is secured with two-factor authentication. Your data is also encrypted. We do not send the results of Bloedarmoede to third parties without permission, not even to your general practitioner without your consent.
The blood test for Bloedarmoede must take place at one of the collection locations we provide. At certain locations, it is possible for a phlebotomist to come to you. You can indicate this during checkout. An appointment will then be made as soon as possible to come to your home.
You can easily make an appointment for Bloedarmoede blood test after your order in your Portal. You can visit almost daily in all major cities in the Netherlands. In smaller cities, you can visit on certain days. At certain locations, it is also possible to visit on weekends.
An interpretation by a doctor or an explanation is included in the Bloedarmoede test. The explanation takes into account the query that you can specify in your Portal after ordering.
For blood tests, we always use venous sampling. This is the gold standard for blood collection. Over-the-counter tests, such as a finger prick test, use the capillary route for blood collection. These do not always give the same results and the accuracy depends on how, where, and with which technique the collection is done. The advantage, of course, is that the test is easier and less painful to take.
You can always pay with iDeal and credit card (VISA, Mastercard, and Amex). This also includes Apple Pay. The phlebotomists at the collection location cannot accept cash payments.
The results of Labplusarts can be shared with your general practitioner at your request. However, you can also easily arrange this yourself by downloading the result in PDF format. Because we use comparable test methods as the general practitioner, the results are interchangeable and comparable so that comparisons can be made well.


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Validatie door artsen
Uitslag binnen: 12 - 24 uur
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